Project diablo 2 stealth runeword
Project diablo 2 stealth runeword

project diablo 2 stealth runeword

The amount of additional affixes depends on the ilvl of the crafted item. Bracketed values within the formula are rounded down.

project diablo 2 stealth runeword project diablo 2 stealth runeword

The ilvl of a crafted item is determined by the crafter's character level (clvl) and the ilvl of the ingredient equipment item used in the recipe. The affixes they can get depends on their affix level, which depends on their item level (ilvl). Except for ethereal, affixes from the ingredient equipment item are not transferred to the crafted item.Ĭrafted items get predetermined affixes and up to 4 additional affixes. Runewords convert Armor or Weapons in Unique Equipment once the required amount of Runes is placed in the correct order, granting said item a fixed set of properties.Crafting an item creates a new rare-like item of the same type as the equipment item used in the recipe.Runes can be found doing the Countess Farming in Act 1, Black Marsh, Forgotten Tower.Stealth can be used in the following equipment: In order to create Stealth you need to socket these Runes in the following order: All in all, the Stealth runeword is a must-have for any serious Diablo 2 player. Its low-level requirements also make it an ideal choice for starting characters who want to improve their survivability quickly. This makes it an excellent choice for any class that needs to survive in the heat of battle. It also grants a significant boost to the player's defense rating. When equipped, it provides a range of bonuses to the player, including increased cast rate, faster run and walk speeds, and a boost to faster hit recovery. It is a two-socketed body armor runeword that can be made by inserting Tal and Eth runes into a suitable armor. The Stealth Runeword can be applied to Chest Armor and is composed of 2 Runes. Diablo 2's Stealth runeword is a highly sought-after item in the game.

Project diablo 2 stealth runeword