How to superscript in openoffice
How to superscript in openoffice

how to superscript in openoffice

In fact I have found a lot of people don't even know what a page break is and they will just press RETURN several times to move some text onto the next page. Which of course means they come unstuck when the text above is reduced somehow. Use CTRL+ENTER to this is a new paragraph start a fresh pageĪs you use these keyboard shortcuts more you may begin to almost resent having to use the mouse.A page break guarantees the text following it goes on a new page. Particularly to go to defined places like the beginning or end of a line or the document. CTRL+ LEFT/RIGHT cursor keys moves you in that direction by one word.CTRL+END takes you to the end of the document.CTRL+HOME takes you to the start of the document.HOME takes you to the start of the current line (not the current paragraph).Most users know about using the cursor keys to move around but there are some ways to jump rather than move. CTRL+SHIFT+HOME selects from the current position to the start of the documentĪpplying styles and formatting as you type.Once a line is selected, SHIFT + UP or DOWN cursor keys respectively will add lines above or below to the selection.SHIFT+END selects from the current character to the end of line.SHIFT+HOME selects from the current character to the start of the line.Hold down SHIFT as you move the cursor to select the text you are moving over.Once you get used to moving around using the keyboard you'll find it useful to select text using it as well. Styles should be a staple tool of any Writer user, much more so than Microsoft Word users because of the key part styles play in Writer. You can use keyboard shortcuts to apply typical styles to the current paragraph. Okay the last one is formatting rather than a defined style, but I find it handy and I couldn't think where else to include it in this document. #HOW TO MAKE A SUPERSCRIPT IN OPENOFFICE WRITER SOFTWARE#.

How to superscript in openoffice